Anushka Sharma and Virat Kohli are proud parents to two kids, Vamika Sharma Kohli and Akaay Kohli. The duo embraced parenthood for the first time when they welcomed their baby girl, Vamika, on January 11, 2021. The loving parents have always ensured that Vamika’s face is kept hidden from the world and that her privacy is respected. Virat and Anushka were blessed with their second child, Akaay Kohli, in February 2024, and since then, they have been staying in London.
Anushka Sharma reveals Vamika eats dinner at 5:30 pm
Anushka Sharma returned to India for a promotional event hosted by Slurrp Farm and made many revelations about her personal life. During her appearance, the actress shared that Virat Kohli and their daughter, Vamika, have a daily routine of eating dinner at 5:30 pm. She has also started following their routine because most of the time, she and her daughter are alone at home, and it has helped her mentally and physically. She said:
“It started out as convenience, because my daughter would want her dinner early. She would eat it around 5.30 and most of the time it would be me and her home alone. So, I’d think what am I going to do now, might as well sleep. I started to see the benefits— I slept better, felt fresher in the morning, there was less brain fog. That works for me. I didn’t read it somewhere and started following it, it was out of convenience but it’s now something that the entire family does.”
Anushka Sharma reveals how Virat and Vamika’s routines helped her
Speaking along the same lines, Anushka Sharma mentioned that she read the benefits of having dinner early somewhere and started following it. Responding to a question asked by designer, Masaba Gupta, Anushka said that the current generation of parents is privileged because they can get a lot of information on parenting online. She further playfully added:
“It’s like, ‘Oh I’m struggling with this’ and boom, Instagram algorithm, which is going to tell you what wrong you’re doing with your kid and what you just do instead. It’s a great blessing, sometimes it can drive you insane. I read somewhere, ‘Let’s eat together, shut the kitchen, and now it’s something the entire family does. You should follow kids’ routine’.”
Anushka Sharma talks about leading a disciplined life
Anushka Sharma also shared that she comes from an Army background so her parents naturally helped her to live a very disciplined life. She revealed that all this helped her to value what her parents used to do for her by following a natural routine. The loving mommy added that she is trying to inculcate the same values in her kids’ lives and said:
“For example, if we were being finicky on the table and didn’t want to eat something, our father wouldn’t shout at us. He’d just say, ‘Sure, you can leave. But when you’re hungry, that’s what you’re going to eat.’ These things are important because then we value what our parents would do for us. It had made me appreciate things a lot. Otherwise, I wouldn’t have been able to give that to my kids. The routines, the discipline and appreciation for what you have.”
Anushka Sharma talks about her kids’ routine
During the same conversation, the Jab Tak Hai Jaan actress also revealed that she is very particular about her children, Vamika and Akaay’s routine. She revealed that they have to travel a lot as a family, and the kids face many changes in their lives. So, Anushka tries her level best to give her kids a sense of control by making a routine for them. The 36-year-old actress added that their meal time and sleep schedule is fixed, no matter where they are.
Virat Kohli revealed the valuable lessons he learnt from Anushka Sharma
Virat Kohli and Anushka Sharma got married in 2017 after dating for almost four years. During an interview with Wrogn, Virat opened up about the valuable lessons he learnt from Anushka and revealed how she taught him to stand by the truth, no matter what. He added that his wife always told him not to worry about anything if he was standing by the truth. Virat shared that Anushka’s learning is due to her upbringing and her father’s service in the army and that he learns a lot from him every day.
What are your views on Anushka Sharma’s revelations?
Next Read: Anushka Sharma On Cooking Food For Vamika And Akaay With Virat, ‘I’m Particular About Their Routine’
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