Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh announced the arrival of their first baby in March 2024. Since then, the mommy-to-be, Deepika, has stayed away from media glares. She was seen hiding her baby bump in loose T-shirts and oversized dresses. She often became subject to netizens’ mocking, and some even claimed that she was faking her baby bump. But the ‘mumma bear’ gave a befitting reply to trollers with her bold maternity shoot.
Deepika Padukone shows off her fully grown baby bump in maternity photoshoot with Ranveer Singh
Like every woman, Deepika wanted to protect her baby from evil eyes, so she avoided showing off her baby bump at public events. But trollers had no chance to mock her, whether it was her saree look at Ambani’s wedding or her wearing high heels at the trailer launch of her film. Finally, Deepika silenced all the unwanted chatter with her bold photoshoot.
On September 2, 2024, Deepika took to her Instagram handle and posted a couple of monochrome pictures. In the first one, Deepika is posing with her husband, Ranveer, as they get mushy. We could clearly see Deepika’s baby bump as she was donning a cardigan. Subtle makeup and hair left open completed her look. In the next photo, Deepika flaunted her baby bump in a bralette with a pair of loose-fitted jeans. It was a lovely click, wherein she looked super happy.
In another glimpse, we can see Deepika’s husband, Ranveer, cradling her baby bump. It was another mesmerising photo that showed off their eternal love for each other. For the unversed, Ranveer and Deepika will welcome their first child in September 2024. In one of the photos, Deepika was seen wearing a sheer toned black gown.
In one of the photos, Deepika is seen donning a completely sheer gown that shows off her baby bump in full glory. The actress left her hair down, and it seems like there is no better way to keep the memories of the nine months of pregnancy intact than these candid monochrome shots. Deepika captioned her photos with a heart, an evil eye and an infinity emojis.
Netizens reaction to Deepika Padukone’s maternity shoot
As soon as Deepika shared her maternity photoshoot pictures, fans flooded her comments section. One user wrote, “Jo fake bol rahe the woh ab patli gali se niklo.” Another one commented, “Abh hater log ke muh bandh.” One of the fans wrote, “Haaye Nagar naa large.”
Deepika Padukone is planning to stay at home and take care of her baby
Deepika and Ranveer announced their first pregnancy in March 2024. According to a report by Times Now, Deepika Padukone has rejected the third season of The White Lotus because she wanted to be a ‘hands-on’ mom and focus her time on nurturing her baby. This is one of the major reasons she has not been signing any new projects and won’t be returning to work anytime soon.
We cannot wait to hear the news of the baby’s arrival from Deepika and Ranveer’s home.
Next Read: Aishwarya Rai And Aaradhya Bachchan Spotted At Amitabh Bachchan’s Jalsa Amidst Rumours Of Moving Out
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#Deepika #Padukone #Bares #FullyGrown #Baby #Bump #Bralette #Slams #Trollers #Bold #Maternity #Shoot
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