Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh got married in 2018, and it’s in February 2024, when the couple announced their pregnancy. Deepika’s due date is in September 2024, and reports are rife that the couple might shift to a new home after the birth of their baby. Amid this, a recent report shared the date and place of when and where Deepika may give birth to her baby. Now, netizens were quick enough to find out a link to the actress’ delivery date to her ex-beau Ranbir Kapoor.
Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh’s baby to share a birthday with Ranbir Kapoor?
As per a recent report by News18 Showsha, Deepika Padukone may give birth to her baby on September 28, 2024, in a hospital situated in South Bombay. As per a close source, Deepika is currently enjoying her break and will resume her work on and from March 2025. Well, as the report circulated online, netizens were quick to spot out that the predicted date is actually the birthday of Deepika’s ex-beau, Ranbir Kapoor. For the unversed, Ranbir’s birthday is on September 28, 1982.
Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh to have a baby boy?
Since when Deepika Padukone and Ranveer Singh announced the news of their pregnancy, fans have been going gaga over the same. While the dual tones that occupied the pregnancy announcement post left people wondering if the couple would have twin babies, later, a brand shared some glimpses of gift hampers for Deepika Padukone, which featured blue and white toned ceramic hangings, including fish, stars, and circles, and it created speculation about the actress having a baby boy.
Amid all this going on, mehendi artist, Veena Nagda, in an interview with Bollywood Now revealed that she met Ranveer Singh at Anant Ambani’s wedding. She called Ranveer a fun-loving person and added that she had blessed the actor to have a baby boy soon. Well, fans have to wait a bit longer to hear the good news from the couple.
Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone’s relationship
Ranbir Kapoor and Deepika Padukone used to be one of the much-loved couples, and they would often paint the town red with their camaraderie. Well, it was only a few years after their relationship, that they called it off, reportedly for infidelity on the actor’s part. However, the ex-couple are now happy with their respective life partners, and the four share a good bond with one another.
Ranveer Singh was impressed by Ranbir Kapoor’s parenting style
Ranbir Kapoor, as a dad to Raha, won our hearts time and again. The way he carries her cares for her and protects her, it’s a whole new Ranbir when it comes to him being a dad. Not only us, but Ranveer Singh was also impressed with the same, and if a report by BollywoodLife was to be followed, Ranveer and Ranbir talked about the same in Jamnagar back in March 2024, and the former was so impressed and decided to take a paternity leave just like the Animal actor.
What do you think about people linking Deepika’s delivery date to Ranbir?
Also Read: Deepika Padukone’s Due Date Revealed, Maternity Break Till 2025, To Deliver In South Bombay Hospital
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