Bollywood actor, Hrithik Roshan entered into the Hindi film industry in 2000 and made people go crazy with his looks and dance. His father, Rakesh Roshan, gave his whole heart to ensure a great debut for his son, and the result was incredible. The film, Kaho Na Pyaar Hai, went on to become a blockbuster, making Hrithik a star overnight. That year, Hrithik grabbed all the awards for the Best Debut. During one such award ceremony, Kareena Kapoor and Hrishita Bhatt gave him the trophy, and the video is going viral these days.
Hrishita Bhatt snatched the mic from Kareena Kapoor
In the throwback video, we can see Kareena Kapoor and Hrishita Bhatt arriving on the stage to present an award to Hrithik Roshan. Kareena looked gorgeous in a black suit, while Hrishita donned yellow bell-bottom pants and a matching kurta. Kareena held the mic in her hand and was about to announce Hrithik’s name. Sensing that Bebo didn’t want to share the mic, Hrishita pulled the mic from her hand and informed the audience that they all must have guessed who was getting this award. After this, Kareena turned the mic towards herself and called out Hrithik’s name.
Netizens’ reactions to Kareena Kapoor’s old video
Soon after the video was shared online, several netizens flooded the comment section to react to the same. They slammed Kareena Kapoor for her unprofessional conduct and being mean towards Shahid Kapoor’s first ex-girlfriend, Hrishita Bhatt. A user penned, “Actually Hrishita snatching the microphone is quite not graceful as well. By any means, even I wouldn’t like that. Can’t just ignore the fact, if Kareena is born privileged, she has to act like that.” Another commented, “As usual cheap and uneducated behaviour of Kareena.”
To watch the video, click here.
Hrishita Bhatt’s professional front
Hrishita Bhatt impressed the audience in the early 2000s with her role in the hit film, Asoka, co-starring Shah Rukh Khan and Kareena Kapoor. In the film, she played the role of a Buddhist wife who helped the emperor lead a life of non-violence. After that, Hrishita starred in many films, such as Bhai Ka Maal Hai, Ammaa Ki Boli and Prakash Electronics. Later, in 2020, she made her OTT debut by starring in Chargesheet: Innocent or Guilty with Arunoday Singh.
Hrishita Bhatt’s personal life
Talking about Hrishita Bhatt’s personal life, she tied the knot with a senior UN diplomat, Anand Tiwari. The couple reportedly dated each other for six months, and they took the wedding vows on March 4, 2017. Hrishita and Anand chose to keep their wedding a private affair. After this hush-hush wedding, the duo hosted a lavish reception party in Delhi and then, later on, in Mumbai.
What are your views on Kareena and Hrishita’s viral video?
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#Kareena #Kapoor #Refused #Share #Mic #Hrishita #Bhatt #Award #Show #Snatch
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