Vicky Jain, an emerging reality show personality of Indian television is the husband of the famous Indian actress, Ankita Lokhande. The couple married in a grand ceremony in 2021 to reflect their unconditional love for one another. The couple has been part of the most popular reality TV show of India, Bigg Boss 17, in 2023. They are currently seen together taking part in another reality show, Laughter chefs Unlimited Entertainment. Vicky Jain has slowly and steadily now entered the showbiz with his life partner and people cannot stop admiring the beautiful couple.
Early Life of Vicky Jain
Vikas Jain aka Vicky Jain, born on August 1, 1986 is the son of Vinod Kumar Jain and Ranjana Jain. He is an extremely successful businessman in the coal-mining industry. He has completed his education in Economics from Savitribhai Phule University and holds an MBA degree from Jamnalal Bajaj Institute of management studies (JBIMS). He has been applying his skills for the growth of his family business ever since.
Vicky Jain’s Business
He became the Managing director of, Mahavir Coal Washeries Private Limited as soon as he entered the family business and is now the owner of Mahavir Industries. His overall business is spread in the sector of coal, diamond, powerplant and real estate in Bilaspur. Vicky is also the co-owner of the Mumbai Tigers, a Box Cricket League (BCL) team. The overall net worth of Vicky Jain is above 100 crores.
Vicky Jain’s journey to glamour world
Apart from being a successful heir to his family business, Vicky Jain also had a huge interest in the entertainment industry which led him to enter the reality shows of television along with his life partner, Ankita Lokhande. He also entered the music video industry and launched his first song as an actor named, ‘Laa Pila de sharab’ under T-series’ YouTube channel. Vicky Jain, as seen on Bigg Boss and Laughter chefs is a heartily agreeable man pursuing all his dreams and wishes.
Vicky Jain’s Bigg Boss Journey
As seen on television, Vicky Jain was noticed as a vocal and open-minded man full of fun and joy. With his bold personality, he was able to receive love from the audience for his gameplay. Due to his charismatic personality he was approached by more reality shows and is now doing another show named, Laughter Chefs: Unlimited entertainment.
Vicky Jain as a supportive lover
He is often referred to as the famous ‘Koila Tycoon of Bilaspur’ by the contestants of Laughter chefs and Bigg Boss and is considered definitely a mastermind of all sectors. From being a mastermind to being a supportive partner, he was seen always supporting his love, Ankita during the hard times of her life i.e. when Sushant Singh Rajput passed away and also during the demise of her father. Vicky Jain is now a famous entertainment personality on television along with his wife, Ankita. The couple together are rocking the reality shows and are gaining immense love and support. The audience has not just fallen in love with Vicky but also his mother, Ranjana Jain, now loved as ‘Bicky ki mummy’ and is often seen attending her son’s shoots and cheering for him.
This success story of Vicky Jain is one of a kind and filled with love and growth not just in personal life but also in professional life.
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Image Courtsey: Vicky Jain
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